Take Time Out Of Your Day

No matter how average or NOT SO AVERAGE your day is, always remember to smile because it takes less muscles. Honestly though, no matter where you are in life and no matter whats going on, even if its rough, take some time out of your day to smile and laugh.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Free RedBox Movie "BREAKROOM"

Today I was at Giant Eagle in front of the Redbox machine looking through some movies with my boyfriend when he unleashes the best thing I've heard all day. His brother, who goes to college at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, apparently found a promo code through the internet that enables you to get a movie for free for one night. Of course I always forget I have a Redbox movie and end up return it days later but regardless I was happy to hear about this promo. I decided to try it out on the movie today and when I put the promo code in, which is "BREAKROOM", it said i owed "$0.00" at check out. You still need to slide your card but nothing gets taken out of your account, unless your like me and take it out for at least another day. Anyways I just thought I would share my findings. I hope you have a Not So Average Day

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